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"Blue & White" Porcelain Workshop


Experiencing Blue & White Painting on Porcelain Ware



"Blue & White" porcelain ware is one of the most famous Chinese ceramic wares amongst world ceramics history.


In this 3 hour course, tutor will introduce the history of famous Blue & White porcelain ware, and demonstrate how to create your own porcelain art piece with this "Blue & White"  technique. Tutor will guide you along the way of creation. A maximum of 2 art works can be created. The finished works will be dried, glazed and fired into your final artwork, and to be collected in 2 week's time !



3小時的課堂裡,導師會簡單介紹青花瓷的歷史, 及示範怎樣運用青花技法在白瓷的素坯上繪畫,創作出個人的青花瓷作品。每學員最多可繪製兩伴作品,導師會從旁指導。繪畫後作品將會施以透明釉,然後放入窯爐待高溫燒成瓷器。學員一般可在兩星期後取回作品。


Class Schedule 暑期上課時間:

1st or 3rd Sunday of each month 每月第一或第三個 星期日  3:00 pm – 6:00 pm


** Class Time is negotiable if have 3 persons or above joining the class

三人或以上參加上課時間可以商議 **



Course fee 費用 $ 580 (inclusive of material and firing fee  已包含燒制及材料費 )

Each class accepts 3 to 8 participants  每班可容納3至8位學員



Enrollment: Please fill in form below and press [Send] button. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to you within 4 days from receiving your application.

報名: 請填寫下面的表格, 然後接 [Send] 鍵。上課確認書會在報名後四天內發出給學員。


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​© Louis Sai Keung Lo 2020

合巹交杯  The Nuptial Cups. 2019

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